Launching Your Campaign

How to grow your campaign team and announce your run.

“Getting started was hard. Overcoming the fear of announcing publicly my intent to run, and overcoming the desire to have everything ready and in place, was difficult. There was always one more doubt nagging at me that would hold me back one more day and one more day. Usually, once we got moving, things flowed pretty smoothly.” – RFS Alum

Planning Your Campaign

Calculating Your Win Number

Setting Up Your Campaign Step by Step

Budgeting Your Funds and Your Time

Assembling Your Campaign Team

Securing Your Campaign: Keeping your campaign plans and staff safe from hackers

  • CYBER SECURITY – Simple, actionable information that will make your campaign’s information more secure from adversaries
  • DIGITAL SECURITY TIPS – Top 10 Tips for Grassroots Campaign Digital Security
  • DIGITAL SECURITY – Guidance from Campaign Helpdesk
  • RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – The importance of Vote-By-Mail with Chair of the GA Democratic Party, Nikema Williams