Policy And Governance Resources
Check out a few resources to help you legislate and build strong policies.

America’s Goals
Future Now
Future Now’s policy library of model legislation, a 50 State Report Card, and research materials to help turn a bill into a law.

SiX Action
State Innovation Exchange
Use the password “Progressivepower” to access policy playbooks, briefs, graphics, trainings, and additional resources to help legislators take action.

Local Progress
Local Progress
Local Progress is the national network of progressive elected officials from cities, counties, towns, school districts, villages and other local governments across the country.

Democratic Municipal Officials
Democratic Municipal Officials
DMO is the Democratic National Committee (DNC) association representing mayors, council members, and other local elected officials who identify with the values of the Democratic Party

Democracy Policy Network
Democracy Policy Network
The Democracy Policy Network (DPN) is an interstate network that organizes policy support for the next generation of state leaders working to deepen democracy in statehouses across America.

Rural Policy Action Report
Rural Democracy Initiative
A call to action with specific recommended policies for progressive partners to lead around common values and shared challenges in rural communities.

Climate Cabinet Education
Climate Cabinet
A toolkit for decision makers and advocates to pass smart clean energy policies.