Throughout your campaign you are going to have to address a number of policy and social issues affecting your potential constituents. Check out these resources to help you navigate some of these topics.
Topic-Based Resources

Connecting With Voters On Money In Politics
Every Voice
Every Voice 2018 State and Local Briefing Book on Money in Politics.

Family Leave Briefing
Why candidates should care about family leave from the good folks at PL+US.

Voting Briefing
Brennan Center for Justice
Threats to voting and how to make the ballot more accessible.

Fixing Chronic Disinvestment in K-12 Schools
Center for American Progress
Data on the chronic underinvestment in schools since the Great Recession and how how state and federal policymakers can prioritize this issue.

Criminal Justice Solutions: Model State Legislation
Brennan Center for Justice
This report offers state lawmakers model legislation based on smart, bold policy solutions that would keep crime low while reducing mass incarceration.

Environmental Defense Fund Campaign Academy
EDF Faction
Webinars to help your campaign integrate environmental policy.

National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
National Caucus of Environmental Legislators
Policy reports on climate and energy issues, including green buildings, offshore drilling, and climate adaptation.
RFS Webinar Series