How To Build Your Team
Your team is the key to your success. Here’s how to build a cohesive organization and manage effectively.

Engaging Students Guide
Run for Something
Learn how to engage, recruit, and motivate students to join your campaign. Having students on your team is good for the campaign, good for the students, and good for democracy.

Job Descriptions
This is a guide for smaller campaigns that are hiring for roles that might have a mix of job responsibilities.

Building Your Volunteer Team
National Democratic Training Committee
In this training learn how to identify a campaign’s volunteer needs, how to identify methods to recruit people to serve as volunteers, and how to assign common volunteer roles.

Engaging Young People
Blue Ripple Politics
Seeking out young people with ambitious goals and plenty of political energy can help your campaign extend a hand to the local youth population— if that relationship is carried out purposefully and with care. Learn a few steps on how to do this successfully.

Building Your Network: Donors, Volunteers, & Validators
National Democratic Training Committee
Take this course to learn how to identify the ways you will ask your contacts to help your campaign — by endorsing (or validating) you, volunteering, and/or donating.

Including People with Disabilities in Your Political Campaign
National Council on Independent Living
Although one in six voters has a disability, the disability community is often not recognized as an engaged voting constituency. Learn how to make sure your campaign is as inclusive as possible.

How to Staff Up Your Campaign
National Democratic Training Committee
Learn how to decide when to bring on consultants or paid staff; determine which roles need to be filled; and make hiring decisions that help make the most of your budget.

Armchair Series: Campaign Management
Run for Something
Learn how run an effective campaign and keep the candidate, staff, and volunteers on the same page, especially while working remotely, in our Armchair Series Chat with NEWCO Strategies Partner, Emmy Ruiz.