Run For Office
Throw everything you know about politics out the window. You’re qualified to run for local office – we’re here to help.

Thinking about running for local office? We want to talk to you. We don’t care about your resume: if you’re progressive and you care about improving your local community, we want to help you run.
In 2024, the work of state and local elected officials was critical to the safety and well-being of millions of people. This work will continue in 2025. If you decide to run — especially in these uncertain times — rest assured RFS will have your back.

When you sign up, you’ll get invited to join a conference call with members of the RFS team and other prospective candidates. On the call you will learn the ins and outs of running for office with us, what we provide endorsed candidates, and how we work to support your campaign. Once you’re a part of our community, you’ll have access to online resources, trainings, referrals, mentorship, and you’ll be able to talk to other candidates across the country about what you’re going through. Trust us: You’ll love it.
What kind of candidate are we looking for? Run for Something works exclusively with progressive Millennials and Gen-Zers running for local office for the first or second time.
We help people who are pro-choice, pro-universal health care, pro-LGBTQ equality, pro-criminal justice reform; pro-working families and organized labor, pro-voting rights, pro-campaign finance reform, who focus on inequality, fair wages, and job creation; who acknowledge that climate change is real, man-made, and our responsibility to fight; and who will fight to reduce gun violence in their community. That being said: We are NOT the purity police. A progressive in Louisiana is different than a progressive in California. We help candidates run for the places they’re in.
From 2017 to 2021, we endorsed over 1,800 candidates and helped elect 637 all-stars. Of our elected candidates: 56% identify as women, 21% identify as members of the LGBTQIA+ community, and 58% are people of color.
We work with candidates from all backgrounds — teachers, nurses, scientists, activists, artists, musicians, chiefs, and rodeo stars. If you are passionate about making a difference, we will support you.
We’re looking for candidates with deep ties to their community. Folks who are already in their district — volunteering, organizing, mentoring, and doing the work. We don’t want to convince someone to move home to run — we want someone who calls a place home to step up and run.
That “X” factor
The past few election cycles have taught us that who the candidate is matters. How well they communicate online and in person, how comfortable they are in their skin, and how “authentic” they can be are all important factors.
We’re willing to invest in good talent wherever it is.