Reaching And Mobilizing Voters
How to identify and reach potential supporters, and get them to turn out on Election Day
Identifying Your Supporters
- VOTEBUILDER 101 – how to access the Democratic Party voter contact technology, and when/how to use it
- EARNING UNION SUPPORT – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – Youth Voter Engagement with Sarah Audelo and Ben Wessel
- RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – Organizing and the Power of Movement with Jessica Byrd
In-Person Voter Contact
- SAMPLE FIELD PLAN – from National Democratic Training Committee
- FIELD TACTICS – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- CAMPAIGN EVENTS – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- GOTV – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- VOTER ID RESOURCES – current information on what IDs are acceptable for voting in your state
Planning Your Communications
- WRITING YOUR COMMUNICATIONS PLAN – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- DIGITAL ADVERTISING – National Democratic Training Committee (registration required)
- DIGITAL MEDIA GUIDE – Strategy to identify target audiences and share campaign content on the right platform
- RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – Digital Communications with Teddy Goff
- EMAIL 101 – How do you write high quality emails? How do you engage your list? How often?
Social Media
- RFS GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA – A just-for-RFS candidates guide to using Canva to create social media graphics. Note the login credentials on page two!
- BEST PRACTICES FACEBOOK POSTS – This infographic shows you the best ways to write engaging Facebook posts
Online Ads
- ADS 101 – What kind of ads you might use for your campaign and a few tips for Facebook ads in particular
- CREATING GREAT ADS – A more in-depth look at creating great content to engage your voters
- GOOGLE ADS 101 – How to create and deploy ads across all Google platforms, including YouTube and
- RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – Digital Advertising with Tim Lim
- SHOOTING VIDEO WITH A SMARTPHONE – Tips to shooting video on a budget and using built-in features
- A GUIDE TO YOUTUBE DIRECTOR APP – A new app you can use to make professional-looking videos for your campaign
- HOW TO SHOOT A CAMPAIGN VIDEO WITH YOUR SMARTPHONE – Fiverr, featuring RFS alum Christopher Marte (This is not intended as an endorsement of Fiverr)
- RFS ARMCHAIR SERIES – Video Storytelling with Taylor Behnke and Allan Piper
- CAMPAIGN TEXTBANKING GUIDE – An overview of peer-to-peer texting, platforms, and different types of campaigns